Monday 19 March 2012

Junk Food Review: Fox's Moos.

Last Saturday, I went to a supermarket located 10 minutes away from the school with a couple of people from school. We haven't had this trip for 2 weeks I think? Plus, I haven't really been buying lots of snacks lately; I survived on the suss that the school usually give us, which would normally be chocolates (cheap ones, like Kit Kats, McVetties Penguins, Jacob's Clubs etc.), loafs of bread with Nutella or butter, or a healthier option - fruits.

Anyway, enough of me ranting about my life and just go straight to the snack that I wanted to review. Oh, just before I do that, I've always wanted to do this kind of post for a long time but had no flippin idea on how to do one until just now. I came across some cool blogs like and and they're amazing at what they're doing. SO, I guess I can give this a try... Just like how I gave the beep test in running club a try when I was actually fasting on that day. And managed to survive! Hooray!

Right, the review. I actually bought quite a number of stuff, but was then settled to just do a review on one product, and it is going to be on Fox's Moos malted milk cream fingers. A new addition to the already existing Fox's biscuit range. I don't know if I'm right or wrong since I'm a no local, but I think judging from the logo which says 'since 1853' this brand is well known for its delicious biscuits with a reasonable price (again, this is because I've tried some other type of buscuits from this brand)

*This is the main packaging. It looks more as if this biscuit is targeted for little kids, rather than adults. But I've always been attracted to THIS kind of things rather than the luxurious ones. Guess I'm forever... childish :p

I bought this from Tesco and it costs around GBP1.29 I think? I forgot how much this is :p. As you can see, a picture of a cow to inform the consumers that this biscuit will taste very milky (hence 'malted milk biscuit') The plastic is easy to rip open; it's not very thick. May be because inside this big pack, the biscuits are actually individually wrapped like this:

*Another picture of a cow? Black and white, with a green patch of grass. Boring. Doesn't matter, as long as the biscuits taste delish!

Tore the plastic open and tadaaa!!! A cow jumping off a crescent moon and some little stars. Cute much? Whatever *crunch* *nom nom nom* milky indeed! It's sweet and.... generally nice. You can taste the malt bits in the biscuits (do I describe this right? I haven't wrote any descriptive essay for a long time so.... yea) and the cream bit in the middle is sugary sweet with a hint of milk and vanilla. To bad I didn't actually give this a sniff because I don't usually sniff my food, unless it gives out a very distinctive smell.

Not bad... Not bad at all. I personally like this biscuit because I'm a big fan of anything sweet, milky and vanilla-ish. However, since it is a buscuit it leaves you with such a messy table. As for me, it gave me crumbles on my textbook. Hate this.

For you readers out there, your kids or babies may like this one. I think it'll be better if they add more calcium, which is usually associated with milk.

That's all for today, ciao! x

PS: Ugh, I'm having a ulcer today which means I won't be able to enjoy food as much now :( and I welcome any advice on improving my food product review :)

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